Bible Stories for Young Children 2

J ust like volume 1, this second vol- ume of Bible stories for young chil- dren contains 125 Bible stories told as simply as possible. All stories, except one, are ‘new’. They are not told in volume 1. As I started at the beginning of the Bible again, I had to skip many stories. In order to preserve the coherence, I’ve added in- troductions to some stories. In such an introduction I summarize the preced- ing stories already told in volume 1. Volume 1 contains the most simple sto- ries. Therefore, the difficulty of some stories in the present volume will be slightly higher, although I have tried again to avoid difficult words. It’s my wish that with the Lord’s bless- ing this book may help parents in the upbringing of their (young) children. Gouda, The Netherlands, May 2000 H. van Dam 13 Foreword