Bible Stories for Young Children 2

10. Two Houses Matthew 7:24-29 182 11. Jesus Heals the Centurion’s Servant Matthew 8:5-13 184 12. Jesus and the Sinful Woman Luke 7:36-50 186 13. Jesus and Peter Walk on the Water Matthew 14:22-36 188 14. The Lord Jesus and the Canaanitish Woman Matthew 15:21-28 190 15. Jesus Heals the Lunatic Boy Mark 9:14-29 192 16. Ten Healed – Where Are the Nine? Luke 17:11-19 194 17. The Five Wise and the Five Foolish Virgins Matthew 25:1-13 196 18. Mary at the Cross of Jesus John 19:25-27 198 19. Between Resurrection Day and Ascension Day Matthew 28:16-20 200 20. A Twelfth Apostle Again Acts 1:15-26 202 21. A Crippled Man is Healed Acts 3:1-10 204 22. The Apostles in Prison Acts 4:1-22 206 23. Ananias and Sapphira Lie to the Lord Acts 5:1-11 208 24. In Prison Again Acts 5:17-42 210 25. The Deacons Acts 6:1-7 212 26. Stephen Acts 6:8-15 and Acts 7 214 27. The Lord’s Work Continues Acts 8:1-8 216 28. Simon the Sorcerer Acts 8:9-25 218 29. Philip and the Eunuch Acts 8:26-40 220 30. Peter Goes on a Journey Acts 9:32-43 222 31. Cornelius Acts 10:1-16 224 32. Peter in Cornelius’ House Acts 10:17-48 226 33. Paul and Barnabas go Travelling Acts 13:1-12 228 34. Paul in Antioch and Iconium Acts 13:13-52 and 14:1-7 230 35. Paul and Barnabas in Lystra Acts 14:8-19 232 36. Come Over and Help Us – Lydia Acts 16:1-15 234 37. In Thessalonica and Berea Acts 17:1-15 236 38. Paul in Athens Acts 17:18-34 238 39. Paul in Corinth Acts 18:1-17 240 40. Paul in Ephesus Acts 19:1-20 242 41. Demetrius the Silversmith Acts 19:21-40 244 42. Paul in Troas Acts 20:7-38 246 43. The Journey to Jerusalem Acts 21:15-26 248 44. Paul in Jerusalem Acts 21:27-40 and 22:1-29 250 45. Paul before the Sanhedrin Acts 22:30 and Acts 23 252 46. Paul before Governor Felix Acts 24 254 47. Paul Before Festus Acts 25:1-12 256 48. King Agrippa Acts 25:13-27 and Acts 26 258 49. Paul on his way to Rome Acts 27:1-13 260 50. Shipwrecked Acts 27:14-44 262 51. On the Island of Malta Acts 28:1-10 264 52. Paul in Rome Acts 28:11-31 266 11