Bible Stories for Young Children 2

41. The Prophet Isaiah Tells of Immanuel Isaiah 7 96 42. Isaiah’s Song About the Vineyard Isaiah 5:1-7 98 43. King Hezekiah and Jerusalem Delivered 2 Kings 18 and 19 100 44. Isaiah’s Three Visits to Hezekiah 2 Kings 20 102 45. King Manasseh Converted by God 2 Kings 21:1-18 104 46. The Lord Calls Jeremiah to be a Prophet Jeremiah 1 106 47. Jeremiah and the Scroll Jeremiah 36 108 48. Jeremiah’s Girdle and the Earthen Bottle Jeremiah 13:1-14; Jer. 19 - 20:6 110 49. Jeremiah and the Wooden Yoke Jeremiah 27 and 28 112 50. Jeremiah in Prison Jeremiah 37 114 51. Jeremiah in the Pit Jeremiah 38 116 52. Jerusalem is Destroyed Jeremiah 39:1-14 118 53. Jeremiah and the Exiles Jeremiah 33 120 54. Jeremiah Goes to Egypt Jeremiah 41-44 122 55. Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar Daniel 4 124 56. Daniel and Belshazzar Daniel 5 126 57. A Disobedient Queen Esther 1 128 58. A New Queen Esther 2 130 59. An Angry Enemy Esther 3 132 60. In Great Distress Esther 4 134 61. To the King Esther 5 136 62. Mordecai is Rewarded Esther 6 138 63. Haman’s End Esther 7 140 64. The Lord Helps Esther 8 142 65. A Special Day Esther 9 144 66. Back to Canaan Ezra 1 and 2 146 67. The Building of the Temple Ezra 4, 5 and 6 148 68. Back to Canaan with Ezra Ezra 7, 8 and 9 150 69. Nehemiah Goes to Jerusalem Nehemiah 1 - 2:10 152 70. Nehemiah Rebuilds the Walls of Jerusalem Nehemiah 2:11-20, Neh. 3 and 4 154 71. Nehemiah and his Enemies Nehemiah 6 and 7 156 72. Ezra Teaches the People Nehemiah 8:1-13 158 73. Nehemiah in Jerusalem for the Second Time Nehemiah 13 160 T H E N E W T E S T A M E N T 1. Joseph ... and he called His Name J ESUS Matthew 1:18-24 164 2. Jesus Tempted in the Desert Matthew 4:1-11 166 3. The Lord Jesus Cleanses the Temple John 2:13-25 168 4. The Lord Jesus and Nicodemus John 3:1-21 170 5. Jesus and the Samaritan Woman John 4 172 6. Jesus Heals the Nobleman’s Son John 4:43-54 174 7. The Lord Jesus Calls Levi, the Tax Collector Luke 5:27-32 176 8. Jesus at Bethesda John 5:1-18 178 9. A Dead Boy is Made Alive Again Luke 7:11-17 180 10