Bible Stories for Young Children 2

17 only a boy who hurts me. Nobody is stronger than I am.’ How proud and cruel Lamech is. No, Lamech does not ask what the Lord wants. He does not even want to think about God. He only wants to do what his evil heart says. Would there be even one person among Cain’s relatives who loves the Lord? No, not one of them is named in the Bible. How sad that is! Now we will return to Adam and Eve. How sad they were when Abel was killed. Thankfully, the Lord gave them another son. They named him Seth. Seth grew up and had children too. Later those children also received chil- dren. They became a very large family, just like Cain’s family. But Seth’s fami- ly is very different from Cain’s family. In Seth’s family, there are many people who love the Lord. They think about the Lord. They want to obey Him. Why is that? Did Seth’s family not have evil hearts when they were born? Sure- ly his family was not any better than Cain’s family, was it? That is true. But the Lord is stronger than our evil hearts. He can give us a new heart. Then you will love the Lord. Then you will want to obey Him. In that way the Lord makes enemies into friends. That is such a miracle. Yes, only the Lord can do that. He can still do that. He still wants to do that. We should pray for that miracle every day. Many members of Seth’s family can often be seen meeting together. What do they do? They pray to the Lord.They pray with each other and for each oth- er, just like we do in church on Sun- days. Then they reverently talk togeth- er about the Lord. In that way they serve the Lord together. Why? Because they love the Lord.What a blessed peo- ple!