Bible Stories for Young Children 2

16 1. Two Families Maybe he builds a wall of sand and branches around his hut. Then he goes to live in that city. No, he does not live alone. Cain marries a woman, and they have children.When these children are grown up, they also have children. In that way more and more people lived in the city, and they are all relatives of Cain. One of those people is named Lamech. Lamech is married to two women. The Lord did not want that. Did the Lord not give Adam only one wife? Three sons were born to Lamech. He named his first son Jabal. Jabal taught peo- ple how to make tents.The name of the second son was Jubal. He made mu- sical instruments such as flutes and harps. The third son was Tubal-Cain. He made things of iron and copper. He also made swords and knives. His father Lamech liked that very much! How strong and mighty Lamech felt with these weapons! He said, ‘If some- one does something to me, I will pay him back. I will hit him more than a hundred times as hard! Yes, I will beat him to death with my weapons! In that way I will avenge myself, even if it is H ow good and beautiful the Lord made everything! The sun, the moon, and the millions of stars show us how mighty God is. The animals and plants, the birds in the air, and the fish in the sea tell us how wise the Lord is. Adam and Eve were the first people. They were also made by God. They served the Lord and praised Him in Paradise. There was no pain or sadness on the earth, and no hunger or thirst. How well the Creator looked after everything He had made! But alas, it did not stay that way. Adam and Eve were disobedient. They listened to the devil, the great enemy of God. They ate from the one tree of which God had said, “You may not eat from that tree.’ That is how they be- came sinful and miserable creatures. Sadness also came into their lives. That was because of sin. What hap- pened? They had two children, Cain and Abel. When the boys were grown up, something sad happened. Cain slew his brother Abel. Terrible! Look, there we see Cain walking away. No, he does not go to his father or mother. He walks further and further away, away from his father and moth- er, and also away from God. He thinks that he can live and be happy without the Lord, and that is the saddest part. After he has walked for a long time, he starts working. He builds a city. Nat- urally it is a very small city at first.